Menstrual pain relief + Yoga

Many of us have woken up with menstrual pain. At that time, you just want to sleep it away, or stay under your blankets for a couple of extra hours (preferably with a hot water bottle) isn't it so? I have done that, and I have also pulled myself up to go to yoga. And what I have experienced is that staying in bed seems better at the moment, but I feel more sticky, achy and moody than the days I have taken a yoga class. Even more (something I realize as I am typing this) since I began daily yoga, I very seldomly have period pain. Lets add it to the great benefits of yoga!

There was one particular day where the pain was the worse that it has been since high school. I am not sure why but even walking was painful. I knew that I needed yoga.

I have seen yoga articles suggesting doing and not doing certain posture during your menstrual period, but why are the postures not the same in every article? People have told me that they read or heard not to come into headstand or plow pose during this time, but these postures are some of the most relieving for me.

That day forward folding started off as the most uncomfortable, but very quickly it changed to back bending. The whole class was like that! Each posture was a surprise, each posture was new. Cobra pose was especially interesting as we come into it several times during Sun salutations and every time it was completely different! There were some times when I couldn't come into cobra at all and stayed in cow/cat, and other times when it was utterly refreshing! But the next cobra could be achy or refreshing all over again.

I couldn't guess how each posture would feel. I had to be without expectations. I had to move slowly to watch my body. I had to watch mind that wanted to find a release but then could make pain looking for it. But what worked best was simply following the length of my breath.

At Ayurveda Yoga Academy we say 'do whichever posture is comfortable'. Do what feels good and release the posture if there is pain or discomfort. It can be that one posture brings instant relief! Yoga is a system of healing. It releases energy, stimulates blood flow, relaxes muscle tension, calms the mind and boosts our energy levels for the rest of the day.

This is something that you can experience. 
Just come in, try some postures and see what yoga does for you ~~
The more you come, the easier it is to see it 🌱


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