Talia’s 1:1 PT review


[1:1 PT class to empty the body of fat and the mind of thoughts]


I started "Empty project" diet yoga class to lose weight.

For a long time, I have had stomach pain, but since the first class it went away! It feels like a knot in my belly has untied and my weight is dropping quickly! 

​Jimin chooses many postures to lengthen my waist and it has deepened my understanding of the spine connects to the whole body.

The postures together make heat. Heat burns fat and ignites digestion. Heat isn’t only from movement. Heat rises when holding still for some time. 

When the body heats up, thoughts come: "it hurts", "I physically can’t do it!" In Yoga, we call this is inner heat: "Tapas".

But I need to go beyond these thoughts; the things I hate or don’t want to do. No matter how I feel, just be there. 

I concentrate on my breath. I feel alive.

Still many thoughts come, the most prevalent is the mind saying “I can’t.” But Jimin adds postures that are challenging for me because she knows I can do it. With this support and encouragement, I start to have the strength to shift my mind. 

I can see this change in my new workplace too! It’s very stressful and lots more work than I have ever had before, but I don’t feel insecure about doing well like I have in the past. I put down the stress and feel comfortable. 

I can do it! It’s easy!

Since our classes, the mind that thinks “I am not enough” is much smaller…

This has been a time of transformation! 

My body and mind are becoming empty and light. And it has been a great adventure with Jimin! It always feels like it’s just the two of us, like two children playing in a sandbox. 

It’s easy to be in the moment together, Jimin’s presence is like this for me. 

I am excited to see where we will go together as fellow practitioners at Ayurveda Yoga Academy! 

Come practice with us too!

We can grow and learn together! ♥️🤗 

Thank you to all my teachers in the past, present and future!


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