
Once I inherited a pot plant and for a whole year, I could not figure out how to tend to it. So I studied it. I learned its proper name and how to care for it. It didn’t take well to what I read online so I decided to make small changes in that direction and watch. It took months but now it has a set schedule and it’s happily sprouting this Spring! 🪴 When starting to guide a yoga class, it could be like this: learning what is needed (for the class and for each member) and to keep watching and taking care of everyone. In this way, we all can blossom! 


I guide three very different classes:

1) online yoga class is a lot like "group PT". Many members live faraway, but we have been together for many months now. I am familiar with the members and notice changes more easily so I guide in a very personal way, without a plan, just letting it unfold
2) Saturday Refresh yoga is a little similar to online classes. It is a small group of the same members, but it is just once a week and sometimes members skip classes for some weeks. It is still finding its way and growing. I am exploring how to put down its roots. After all, a teacher is there to create a safe space to practice and bring you back to the moment

3) 5:30PM class is still new to me but my schedule changes and so we have just two classes to go! I am still memorizing members' names, though I recognize each face. And I am still learning about everyone and how to connect well. 
I have been caught up with how to express myself in words - I am now more aware of pitch, volume and tone (in my class and in other teachers’ classes); of how to switch languages with care; of how too many/few words can lose the moment. 
I have also been caught up with other teachers or with new members taking class - preoccupation with their presence blinds me to seeing the class as a whole (because I am thinking about them). I understand now about the importance of personal boundaries so that we don't fall into that person and lose our sense of self (our ability to watch and be in the moment with everyone). Also this preoccupation on them is the mind that needs to do well, that should do or be something (be happy; kind; thin; good...) to satisfy the other person. In fact it is trying to satisfy itself to feel better/bigger. It is a selfish, colored mind that seeks its own happiness and in doing so, it is lost within itself - there is no presence around to be happy.


There are just two more 5:30PM classes to go until the schedule changes! 

I really hope that you will join me on WEDNESDAY!


These are some of the lessons that I have learned, but there is so much more to study!

When you practice yoga, what is it that you see?

What are some of the things that you have learned?

Let's put down our roots at Ayurveda Yoga Academy 🌱where the ground is fertile and nourishing! Here where we can easily sprout and blossom! It is perfect for Spring! 🌼


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