DAY 2 : Sun Salutations "COVID-19 Yoga Together Challenge"

COVID-19 Yoga Together Challenge


DAY 2 :
Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutations)!!
You can record yourself following along to our video or share your Sun Salutation as you’ve learned it~!!
Although Sun Salutations are not that old, they are a great way to use yoga therapeutically. They are good for awakening the spine and systems of the body, making balance, warming up the body, stimulating and strengthening the vital organs, and when done consciously they releases tension of the mind making a steady and comfortable state.
When you feel like you’ve gotten too “in your head” about the Corona Virus (or anything really ðŸ˜œ) make a space and flow through some Surya Namaskara riding your breath.
@ayurveda_yoga_ @ayurveda_yoga_kr
@ayurveda yoga academy, daegu

Want to participate?

Here is some information about the Yoga Challenge and how to participate :


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