LIVE online yoga classes: THINGS I LOVE

There are many ways to practice yoga. 

The use of online platforms (for virtually everything) surged when coronavirus emerged. That was when I first started online yoga and it has been exceptionally valuable to calm my mind and unwind my body during those times ~ specifically live classes as there is a stronger motivation to show up and meet with the class. 

A few months later, my teachers at Ayurveda Yoga Academy gave me the opportunity to guide live online yoga classes. As a student and as a teacher, here are some of the benefits that I found:

LIVE online yoga classes: THINGS I LOVE

1. Personal guidance

Everyone is unique; what's good for you is not necessarily so for another. There is no perfect way to practice, there is just practicing yoga. 

What is practicing yoga? The achievement of yoga is 'ceasing the functions of the mind' (from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras). When we come into yoga postures, we are practicing how to do this.
How do we do this? By finding a place where we can 'stop'. In a yoga posture, this is a place of 'steady and comfortable'. 

What does the teacher do? A teacher is not there to fix or correct your posture, but to create a safe space for you to practice and to bring you back to the moment. Also they can suggest a way to align your body where less effort is needed; where you can be more comfortable. When the body is comfortable, mind follows. There is less thinking, even in comparison to streaming videos where we can easily click the “pause” and “rewind” buttons. Instead we relax comfortably and follow the teacher's guidance.

2. Telling the teacher about some daily pain or general health condition    

We all have days when we are feeling better than other days. Sometimes it is just an unpleasant emotion (i.e. fatigue, anxiety, depression etc), but often it manifests in our body too (as in headaches, indigestion, shoulder tension etc). Important things to share with the teacher also include pregnancy, low/high blood pressure, arthritis and old injuries and so on.

When I have shared about a health issue, the teacher has given me certain alternative postures when necessary. This has not only helped to make the posture more comfortable, but also reminded me to check in with my body and my thoughts (is this really ok or am I pushing myself?). This leads me to the next point:

2. Class is tailored for the members here and now

One of the first things I noticed in a live class was the ways that teachers adjust the sequence to fit the members in the class. In one such instance, a member shared about her current life stress and then complained about her tight shoulders. The teacher introduced more chest and shoulder opening postures for her, yet all of us could learn about and experience it together. (That's an amazing thing about traditional yoga: it is for everybody!)

In saying that, during class the teacher can focus on and explain certain postures. This can help you to understand it from a new perspective and even get a completely new feeling when coming into the posture again!

3. Q&A and sharing!    

Arriving a few minutes before class or leaving a few minutes after, you can meet other people who share the same interest as you. This makes community and belongingness.This has helped me to reduce feelings of depression and loneliness; making makes us feel safe and secure. 
You are always welcome to ask questions! Even during class, you can message or talk to the teacher when needed. This can also be helpful to other members who might have similar questions or experiences. There is a lot that can happen when we are together!

4. Commute free 

There is no need to worry about traffic, traveling time or parking. And it's more eco-friendly! Just roll out your mat, tap onto the internet and join on from anywhere!

5. Global connections 

We are social beings, and online platforms offer the chance to connect with people all over the world! Whether you join live online yoga for a new hobby, fitness, mental relaxation, physical health, etc., we all share a common interest: yoga! You never know where these connections will take you in life!

6. Fewer distractions

When streaming videos, we can easily click the “pause” and “rewind” buttons. This can be helpful when important situations come up, but it can also be used to follow a distraction (i.e. tidying our mats or answering a phone call and so on). Even when we get up to quickly rewind the video (to better understand/hear the teacher etc.), we have lost the moment by falling into our thoughts and coming into the moment, well that's yoga!

There are many ways to practice yoga. Whichever way that is for you, I hope that you keep practicing and share the incredible healing qualities of Yoga! If you are interested in our live online or offline classes at Ayurveda Yoga Academy, contact me. We have an amazing community and would love to welcome you!

ENGLISH: online yoga at 8:30PM (GMT +5) with Talia

KOREAN: online yoga at 10AM (GMT +5) with Jihee


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