What I feel when I resist reality vs when I go with the flow By : Megan
What I feel when I resist reality vs when I go with the flow.
Something I am working on 

I went to put the Ayurveda Yoga banner up outside downstairs.
The post and plastic arms were missing. *cue anger*
So I waited. Not today.
We ordered the post and arms. When they came, I went outside to put up the banner and saw that the base was broken. *cue frustration*
So I waited. Not today.
We ordered a new base.
It came and Teacher Training members helped me fill the base with heavy rocks to keep it from moving.
Immediately I went outside and put up the banner. I went home *cue satisfaction*.
In the morning I came to where the banner should be. But it was gone from the post. Only one plastic arm still intact. *cue surprise, concern, anger* I saw in the bushes someone had saved our banner from the wind by stuffing it into the bushes. And there was a plastic arm next to it. The arm was broken. *cue inner dialogue blaming this and that*
I remembered we had spare plastic arms at the studio, so I went and got them. I put the banner up. *cue satisfaction*. Then I went through my morning. When I went to get lunch, the wind had knocked the banner down and someone had picked it up. They had turned the banner around so it wouldn’t catch the wind and get knocked over again.
*cue sigh*
With that I surrendered.
Not today.
I took down the banner. Rolled it up. And brought it back upstairs to the studio. The part of me that wanted to put up the banner with such earnest was ignoring reality (in this case, missing pieces, and less than ideal weather)...
But not today does not mean not tomorrow. By going with the flow of nature, like the weather, not resisting but letting things happen in their own time, ease comes. Our emotions settle. When we press and force something, there is suffering.
Every time I saw the banner had a problem, my emotions would start to come up. By saying yes to the reality of the situation, which happened to be that today was a windy day, I immediately relaxed and felt gratitude for all of the people that I had helped the banner survive 

How many times in a day have I felt this resistance

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