'Why do you want to be a Yoga Teacher?' - by Talia
'Why do you want to be a Yoga Teacher?'
Master asked.
My Saturday class in Daegu!
"For my practice, and to guide and inspire others," I answered, but a second later, was that truth? "You can do that anywhere." he continued.Why do you want to be a Yoga Teacher? It just happened. I was taking a class, and suddenly I had this thought: I want to be a Yoga Teacher here. Here. This studio is a very special place. It is not about how long you can hold handstand, or how well you can do locust pose. It's not about making pretty postures or perfect angles and shapes. Here is a space for you to be you. Wongjanim and I were speaking recently and she said this, "when I practice, I am my true self." That is what I am doing here. When I teach yoga, I watch thoughts (mind) that come up as I say and do (body). But this I do even at work, on the bus, taking a yoga class, everywhere (mindfulness). So in actuality, I can be anything. But being a Yoga Teacher, and being at the studio, I sit closely with my Teachers. I have the chance to go deeper and deeper into my practice. So 그러면 My Teachers wake me to thoughts so ingrained in me that 'I am them', and as I become aware, it releases: "I am not my mind, I am not my body. I am Brahman. I am Atman." I practice Yoga to discover my true self. As I letting go of all these stories, I realize what happiness truly is, and not what I've told myself it looks like. I want to be happy. I want Nirvana (to be free from desire, suffering, the wheel of karma...) I don't need to be a Yoga Teacher. But yoga brings me closer to bliss, 그러면 I keep practicing. I sit close to my Teachers. [And if one day I can hold a space as they do, I hope to guide others along this path of non-attachment, no suffering, abhyasa] |
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