Youtube Video : Hyesung's Bridge to Shoulderstand

I'm Hyesung, who is having a happy pregnancy with Ayurveda Yoga~
Have you ever heard of baby's being upside down in the womb?When you give birth, it is best when their head is facing down, but it's facing up!.A lot of people do happy puppy pose like postures to help flip the baby. It's easy to follow. ~~There is also cat pose, downward facing dog pose, and bridge pose that you can follow along easily with!And if you have been practicing yoga since even before your pregnancy, and it is comfortable you can do shoulderstand and even headstand!.My baby is upside down, too! I've been doing the above-mentioned postures every day, and now my baby's head is facing downward!.This video is from part of my personal practice, so don't worry about following this video. Try the prenatal yoga videos with me on Ayurveda Yoga's Youtube Channel. ~~.

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