Youtube Video : Hyesung's Arch Pose

I'm Hyesung who is having a happy pregnancy with Ayurveda Yoga~
During pregnancy, the uterus grows more than 100 times its original size!
Of course, the skin and inside of your belly will feel pulling, right?
It's not that I'm not feeling pulling, but there's definitely a big difference
between practicing every day and not!
It feels different every day, but especially when I'm out of breath or tired,
I put a cushion behind my back and head and rest. Or do bridge pose or fish pose!
It feels refreshing to open the front of the body (good for circulation too),
and it definitely reduces tension! And it makes me feel better!
This video is from part of my personal practice, so don't worry about following this video.
Try the prenatal yoga videos with me on Ayurveda Yoga's Youtube Channel~~

Here is the Youtube link :


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