Youtube Video : 1hr Yoga Class (From Daegu to California with Love)

As life changes in the time of the Corona Virus, as the world changes, feel yourself firmly connected to the Earth. Through the unsettled, new-ness, stay grounded and centered, so that even as the world spins and there seems to be chaos, you can be quietly awake in the chaos. How to do this? Great tools we have are literally to feel what parts of the body are connected to the ground (grounding) and to become aware of the line of the spine, our central axis (centering). For this 1 hour class, allow yourself to set down the thinking, analyzing, worrying mind and get reacquainted with your body, breath, and state of mind. Become aware of habit postures and consciously making the body, breath, and mind more comfortable in the moment to rest deeply. Sending love from Daegu, South Korea ❤️

Youtube Link :


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