Kids Yoga with Megan (Growing Kids Yoga)

In South Korea Ayurveda Kids Yoga has been resting for about a month now. 
And as I’ve been missing all of the kids, and seeing everyone across the world 
staying at home and practicing social distancing... 
I wanted to share a short little video that you can do with your kids 
(The next video will be geared towards kindie age...) 
This video was made with elementary aged in mind ^_^ 
But anyone is welcome to join in and play along!). 
If you notice your kids have some extra energy or maybe need a little focus. 
If your kids say they are bored, I recommend sharing this time with them. 
I did it with a very cute and sweet 7 year old today 
and hearing her laugh going through the postures together was great! 
I hope you enjoy it too!!

Teaser :

Today's play time :

Here is the Kid's Yoga video link :


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