Cleaning the Studio! Back to the Yoga Sutras : Saucha. Cleanliness.

Of the 8 Limbs of Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga, the first two are commandments (Yama, Niyama) 
that we can live by to help us go in the right direction for our practice. 
This is a great time to practice the first Niyama, Saucha (cleaniliness). 
We spent yesterday deep cleaning the studio 🧼🧽🧴🧹 
... And we brought in a company that sterilized the studio for you🤗
There have been no confirmed cases at the studio of Corona or anything, 
but as people have been concerned about the spread of COVID-19 
we are doing everything we can to make the space sparkly clean for when we are all back together. 
Keep practicing on and off the mat 💖



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